

R&D Business was born from the experience and know-how of R&D Components but found its material independence on 22 December 2021, the date of its establishment. It deals with market research aimed at finding new customers, new products or with particular performances and to target the required target price, at the request of the customer. The reference market in which R&D Business operates is that of R&D Components, and precisely the market of safety and temperature control components.

How does it work:

  • New customers: if a manufacturer of the components described above, Italian or foreign, has the will to find new customers, R&D Business, based on the know-how and the R&D Components database, starts a detailed and selective search, selects the names and contacts them and initiates any commercial negotiations, in the name and on behalf of the applicant. The remuneration is agreed before the mandate and on the
    basis of the type of work that will be carried out. Research may also include participation in trade fairs.
  • New products or products with particular performances: if a company, Italian or foreign, is looking for a product that it cannot find or that must satisfy particular performances, it can give us a mandate to find them on the market. The remuneration is agreed before the mandate and on the basis of the type of work that will be carried out.
  • Center a Target price: if a user has the need or the will to find an economic alternative to the product he is currently buying, he can instruct R&D Business to find it, providing the reference price for which he is willing to
    change supplier . The customer can then decide whether to purchase the new product through the R&D channels, or whether to purchase directly from the manufacturer, paying the due compensation to R&D Business.

R&D Components Srl – Cod. Fiscale/Partita iva: 12934630158 – Via Bergamo 6, 20835 Muggiò (MB)

Opening hours: MONDAY – FRIDAY    8.30 – 12.30   14 – 18